Thursday, February 25, 2016

Apples Will Keep You Safe

Bill Gates Supports Government EffortsApple vs. FBI: 

A timeline of the iPhone encryption case

There is many views and opinions on either if Apple should open the terrorist’s phone or that he shouldn’t. A lot of people believe that Apple should unlock the phone. But the other people don’t think that Apple should open the phone because then it could leave a lot of other people’s privacy vulnerable. The people that want Apple to open it because then the phone could have more stuff in about the terrorist’s group’s next move then the U.S. might be able to stop it. I think that it depends. I am in the middle of either they should or they should not. One question I have is what will the U.S. do if they get Apple to unlock the phone? Another one is why do some people not want to unlock the phone when the info in it could harm the U.S.?


  1. I think people don't want to unlock the phone because you never know what could happen. Someone could hack the government and find the software unlocking all Iphones. Endless things could happen if apple gives the FBI the phone unlocked. According to beta news they said that its to risky to giveaway the information. (

  2. Apple needs to say no to the agreement, then do it, but keep the media out of this fiasco to keep the public calm and not threatened by privacy issues.
